Frequently Asked Questions


* It's not easy to choose a garment online, can you help me?

We generally recommend taking your usual size with the exception of unisex models if you are a woman and want a fitted cut. In this case, we recommend ordering one size smaller than your usual size.

Example: If you usually wear a size Medium in women's fit, we recommend ordering a size Small in unisex fit

For each item we have set up a complete description with a size guide provided by our supplier. You will thus find all the necessary information and measurements (width, length, armhole etc.) to make your choice with confidence. The size guide for each item can be found below their description.

If the size is still not suitable, you can make a return by contacting us in advance at the following email address:, for a refund, exchange or credit.


*What delivery method can I choose / can I have it delivered somewhere other than my home?

Our service provider responsible for preparing and shipping orders works with La Poste services.

Different delivery methods are available to you:

- Tracked letter: you will be able to track the progress of your package but will not be able to give delivery instructions or modify them. The tracked letter will be deposited in your mailbox.

- Colissimo Access: you can track the progress of your package but will not be able to give delivery instructions or modify them. The Colissimo Access will be deposited in your mailbox. If the package does not fit in the mailbox, a delivery notice will be left for you.

- Colissimo Expert: you can track the progress of your package and give delivery instructions. Your package will be delivered with signature.

- Chronopost: you can choose this delivery method for France and internationally. The transmission of a mobile phone number is mandatory for this delivery method. You will be able to track the progress of your package and give delivery instructions. The delivery of your package will be done with signature.

-Chrono2Shop Direct: you can select a relay point after paying for your order and track the progress of your package. Providing a mobile phone number is mandatory for this delivery method.

* What are the processing and delivery times?

The preparation times for your packages by our service provider are 24 to 72 hours depending on peak periods (excluding weekends and public holidays).

Then come the delivery times varying according to the method chosen:

- 4-5 days by registered letter

- 2-3 days by Colissimo

- 24 hours by Chronopost

- 2 to 4 days in Chrono2Shop Direct

* Can I track my delivery?

Yes, whatever the delivery method you have chosen, you can track your package with the following link by entering the package number that was sent to you by email ==>

* Can I schedule my delivery?

We are not able to schedule a delivery, however you can manage it according to the delivery method you have chosen by going with your tracking number on this page


* Can I add a special mention, instructions or message to my order?

We are unable to add a mention because the service provider responsible for delivery does not allow us to do so. However, depending on the delivery method you have chosen (La Poste, Colissimo or Chronopost) this function will be offered to you by their services in the event of a first failed delivery.

* Are international and French overseas departments and territories deliveries possible?

Yes, international and overseas deliveries are possible. Only a few destinations are exempt for customs reasons. However, do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.

* I saw that Sea Shepherd has postal addresses. Is it possible to go there to try or buy products?

We do not have a physical store. The Sea Shepherd online store is intended to help fund the association's campaigns at sea and in the field. To this end, we try to reduce all our costs as much as possible.

The Sea Shepherd Boutique headquarters in Chasselay is a PO box which does not allow us to welcome the public. The Sea Shepherd France address in Paris is the headquarters of the association and is also a PO box. Volunteers cannot provide permanence.


First of all, please do not return a product without first contacting us. This will extend processing times.

Please contact us via the online form: or at the following email address:

* I did not receive an invoice in my package, is this normal?

In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, invoices are not included in packages (except for international deliveries). Your invoices can be viewed/printed via your account on the online store. If necessary, you can contact us at

* I placed an order and I haven't received anything, what should I do?

Start by searching for the delivery status of your package, with the tracking number that was sent to you by email by visiting this link:

Contact your post office to find out if they have misplaced it or forgotten it in the warehouse. If the post office claims to have dropped it off and you have not received it, contact us at and tell us what to do. We will tell you what to do and will then launch an investigation on our side.

*An item in my order is not suitable and I would like to exchange it or get a refund, what should I do?

First of all, please do not return a product without first contacting us. This will extend processing times.

Please contact us via the online form: or at the following email address:

It is entirely possible to exchange a product or request a refund. Simply write to us, mentioning your order number and the item(s) concerned so that we can tell you what to do as soon as possible. Please note that the return costs are your responsibility.

* The item I received is defective and I want to return it, what should I do?

First of all, please do not return a product without first contacting us. This will extend processing times.

Please contact us explaining the problem encountered, supported by photos either via the online form: or at the following email address:

*Is it possible to cancel or modify my order once it has been confirmed?

In this case, you will need to contact our services as quickly as possible via the online form: or at the following email address: If your order has not yet been processed by our service provider when we become aware of your request, we will be able to act on it and you will be notified.

*I have not received an order confirmation email, package shipment or response to my questions, can you help me?

Unfortunately, it often happens that our emails are received in the junk mail of your mailboxes. Please remember to check your folder. If necessary, do not hesitate to contact us: or at the following email address:

*When I buy on the store website, do my purchases contribute to the actions of Sea Shepherd France?

Yes, every year the profits from the online store are donated to Sea Shepherd France.


* What about the ecological aspect of your clothes? Our products are made of 100% organic cotton and are GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the world's leading textile process standard for organic fibers, including ecological and social criteria that are supported by independent certification of the entire supply chain. The benefits of this organic cultivation are numerous: protection of soil and surface water, preservation of ecological diversity, soils are less vulnerable to erosion, no allergy or skin irritation problems for the consumer.

*Is printing on T-shirts eco-friendly too?

Screen printing, transfers and embroidery are made in Brittany and the Basque Country in workshops certified to OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 and GOTS standards. The inks are phthalate-free and heavy metal-free.

* What about ethics and human rights?

If we are very demanding about the environmental qualities of our clothing, we are just as demanding about the ethical and human aspect linked to the production of the items we offer in the store. For this reason, we work with suppliers who are members of the Fair Wear Foundation. This independent verification body founded in 1999 brings together brands, factories, workers, unions, investors, governments and NGOs around a common goal: to improve working conditions in the clothing industry, from harvesting to making the finished product in line with the recommendations of the ILO and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

* However, I received a Sea Shepherd T-shirt made in Bangladesh and it is a country that has a very bad press...

Ethics is at the heart of our concerns, especially when it comes to textile production in Asia. The question we ask ourselves is: MADE IN or MADE HOW? Low wages, precarious conditions, harassment, forced labour, child labour, compromised safety… these are all things that the members of the Fair Wear Foundation are fighting against. Their work is therefore structured around the highest possible recognised international standards and conventions.

The voice of workers is a central element that has enabled Fair Wear to establish the following 8 labour standards:

1. Employment is freely chosen: no forced labor

2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining: the right of all workers to form and join trade unions and to be able to bargain collectively.

3. No discrimination in employment: Recruitment, salary policy, admission to training programs, employee promotion policy, termination of employment, retirement policies and any other aspect of the employment relationship must be based on the principle of equal opportunity, without distinction as to color, sex, religion, political affiliation, union affiliation, nationality, social origin, deficiencies or handicaps.

4. No exploitation of child labour: Child labour shall not be used. The age of admission to employment shall not be lower than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, not lower than 15 years. (ILO Convention 138) “There shall be no forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage, serfdom and forced or compulsory labour. […] Children [aged 15 to 18 years] shall not perform any work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm their health, safety or morals.” (ILO Convention 182)

5. Payment of the living wage: Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week must meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and must always be sufficient to meet the basic needs of workers and their families and to provide discretionary income. (ILO Conventions 26 and 131). Deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes are not permitted and no deductions from wages not provided for by national law are permitted. Deductions must never be an amount that would result in the employee receiving less than the minimum wage. Employees must be properly and clearly informed of the specifications of their wages, including wage rates and pay period.

6. Reasonable hours of work: Hours of work shall be in accordance with applicable laws and industry standards. In any case, workers shall not be regularly required to work more than 48 hours per week and shall be granted at least one day of rest in every seven-day period. Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be required on a regular basis and shall always be remunerated at a premium rate. (ILO Convention 1)

7. Safe and healthy working conditions: A safe and hygienic working environment must be provided and best practice in occupational health and safety must be encouraged, taking into account current industry knowledge and any specific hazards. Appropriate attention must be given to occupational hazards specific to that branch of industry and ensure that a safe and hygienic working environment is provided. Effective regulations must be implemented to prevent accidents and minimise health risks as far as possible (in accordance with ILO Convention 155). Physical violence, threats of physical violence, unusual punishment or disciplinary measures, sexual and other harassment and intimidation by the employer are strictly prohibited.

8. Legally framed employment relationship: Obligations towards employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship shall not be avoided by the use of employment contracts alone or by apprenticeship programmes where there is no real intention to impart skills or provide regular employment. Young workers shall be given the opportunity to participate in education and training programmes. Learn more about the Fair Wear Foundation: